Shannon Cherry
3 min readOct 23, 2020


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Halloween is not canceled: Trick-or-Treat social distance style

My girls love Halloween. Well, they have no choice; it’s my favorite holiday. In our neighborhood, Halloween is also a very big deal. Typically, there’s a block party pot luck, with tons of games and trick-or-treating.

However, this year isn’t so typical. The pandemic has canceled the party for obvious reasons, but there’s no reason to cancel Halloween completely.

But that leaves the question: how can you stay safe trick-or-treating? I was searching for just the right idea and found things including:

  • Halloween Candy Chute — Using a 6 foot PVC pipe, and some scary inspiration, you can easily create this. I don’t have a stoop (stairway), so this didn’t seem to work well for me without building some other contraption to let gravity do its job.
  • A Candy ‘Graveyard’ — Essentially tape a wooden skewer to your candy and stick it in your lawn. I personally was worried about a kiddo me, as I am a complete klutz, falling on one of the sticks and getting impaled.
  • Punch Board — I love this idea. It’s creative and fun. It would be difficult to keep my kids away from it. I think my kids would just punch them all!
  • Robot Helper — This cool dude created a robot to share the candy. I would love to do this… but my skills would disappoint.

I was working on another project for my front porch area (More on this another time.) when it hit me. I could create a spider web of candy in that same spot. Kids could come up, grab a piece, and walk away, without contact.

Here’s what you need:

  • Some gauzy material. I got this at the dollar store. Note: do not try to use that cotton spider webbing that you have to pull apart; it’s too light for the job. (Trust me.)
  • Clothespins. I bought some colored ones on Amazon but any will do.

Essentially, hang up the webbing at kid height and add the clothespins. Clip the candy to the clothespins. That’s it. If you notice, I have more webbing below where my bench is so I can move the bench on Halloween and put more for the little ones to grab and go, too. (The bench will block reach to my door as well so hopefully not too many doorbell ringers!)

To ensure everyone kept their distance, I also made a couple of instruction signs.

Want to use one? Then I have a treat for you. (Get it?) Click here for the free printable of the witch and here for the one with the pumpkin.

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